Reindeer husbandry

Reindeer husbandry is a small industry on a national scale, but in Saami and local communities it is of great importance for the economy, employment and culture. The aim is to ensure that the Reindeer trade in Norway is ecologically, economically and culturally sustainable.

Rein på beite.

Reindeer husbandry

Reindeer husbandry as an industry, culture and way of life is unique, both nationally and internationally.

Reindeer meat is the taste of the tundra.

Reindeer trade economy

The Reindeer diet of wild herbs makes for a savoury and sophisticated contribution to the abundant cuisine of Norway.

Same med reinsdyr.

Reindeer husbandry and indigenous peoples' rights

Reindeer husbandry policies are guided by two independent principles: economic policy and indigenous peoples' rights.

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