Fishing and aquaculture

The norwegian ocean area is six to seven times that of mainland Norway. Norwegian seafood industry is delivering seafood to consumers in more than 130 countries. In recent decades, Norway’s fishing industry has developed from a ‘free fishing’ activity to a fully-fledged industry complete with quotas and concessions. The Norwegian management system takes form as a “Regulatory chain”, which is an annual, interactive process based on incremental changes. The Regulatory chain incorporates stages such as gathering research data, quota negotiations with other states, as well as allocating quotas to the various vessel groups.

Eit oppdrettsanlegg i sjøen

Farmed salmon

Food security, environmental concerns and the work on fish health and welfare have high priority in the management of Norwegian aquaculture.

Whaling and seal hunting

As a part of norwegian hunting traditions, the country is today doing whaling, with minke whale as the main catch.


Department for Fisheries

Phone: 22 24 90 90
Address: Postboks 8090 Dep, 0032 Oslo
Visitor address: Kongens gate 8, Oslo