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Showing 2161-2180 of 3540 results.

  • Children who cross national borders

    09/05/2019 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    Unaccompanied minor asylum seekers, children subjected to human trafficking and child welfare services across national borders.

  • Responsibilities

    04/05/2019 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    The Ministry of Children and Families has the overall responsibility for family matters, children and upbringing, religious and life stance affairs and consumer affairs.

  • About the ministry

    04/05/2019 Article Ministry of Children and Families

    Information about the The Ministry of Children and Families.

  • Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA)

    03/05/2019 Article Ministry of Transport

    The Norwegian Coastal Administration is an agency of the Norwegian Ministry of Transport responsible for services related to maritime safety, maritime infrastructure, transport planning and efficiency, and emergency response to acute pollution.

  • Meld. St. 24 (2018–2019) - Financial Markets Report 2019

    Meld. St. 24 (2018 – 2019) Report to the Storting (white paper) Summary

    26/04/2019 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance

  • Adult Learning

    25/04/2019 Article Ministry of Education and Research

    Lifelong learning is an important principle of Norwegian education policy.

  • Letter of condolence after the attacks in Sri Lanka

    22/04/2019 Letter Office of the Prime Minister

    Letter of condolence from Prime Minister Erna Solberg to the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremesinghe,  after the attacks in Sri Lanka, 21.04.19.

  • The protection of civilians and health workers in conflict situations

    11/04/2019 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Ensuring protection against violence, abuse and violations of fundamental human rights is a key part of the humanitarian response, both in situations of armed conflict and natural disasters. Protection has been identified as one of three main

  • Core curriculum – values and principles forprimary and secondary education

    08/04/2019 Regulation Ministry of Education and Research

    The core curriculum - values and principles for primary and secondary education and training - is part of the curriculum as laid down by Royal Decree on 1 September 2017, and pursuant to section 1-5 of the Education Act.

  • Product Contact Point

    08/04/2019 Article Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    What Through the Product Contact Point, authorities and companies can find out which technical regulations apply for a particular product in a particular EEA State. The Norwegian contact point provides information about Norwegian product regulations

  • Response from Norway to the Reasoned Opinion on the Norwegian Reporting Obligation when hiring non-resident contractors

    05/04/2019 Letter Ministry of Finance

    The Ministry of Finance's response to ESAs reasoned opinion on the Norwegian reporting obligations.

  • Meld. St. 20 (2018–2019) - The Government Pension Fund 2019

    Meld. St. 20 (2018–2019) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    05/04/2019 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance

  • Meld. St. 18 (2018–2019) - The health industry

    Meld. St. 18 (2018–2019) Report to the Storting (white paper) Summary

    05/04/2019 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

  • How to achieve gender balance at the top in business

    05/04/2019 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Tips for better gender balance at the top.

  • Sustainability indicators for Nordic towns

    01/04/2019 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Sweco have made a report suggesting a selection of 30 different sustainability indicators for Nordic towns. The report is a part of the project "attractive towns" under the Nordic Council of Ministers.

  • The IA Agreement 2019–2024

    29/03/2019 Article Inkluderende arbeidsliv (IA)

    Letter of Intent regarding a more inclusive working life. A working life with room for everyone.

  • Fourth Norwegian Action Plan - Open Government Partnership (OGP)

    29/03/2019 Plans/strategy Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    This is the Fourth Norwegian Open Government Partnership Action Plan.

  • NOU 2019: 7 - Work and benefits

    Measures to increase employment

    28/03/2019 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

  • A Society For All

    27/03/2019 Plans/strategy Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Transport

    The government’s strategy for the equality of persons with disabilities for the period 2020-2030

  • Report on cases of financial irregularities in 2018

    Foreign Service Control Unit

    27/03/2019 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Foreign Service Control Unit deals with cases involving breaches of Foreign Service rules, unless responsibility for following up a specific type of irregularity has been assigned to a different unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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