Section for Carbon Storage and Bioressources
The section works on climate-related issues concerning bioresources, agriculture, forestry, land use, and buildings. We are responsible for the biofuel sales obligations, the EUs sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions-saving criteria for renewable fuels, as well as assessment and implementation of the EU climate framework for the land use, land use change, and forestry sector (LULUCF). In addition, we manage the ban on the use of fossil oil for heating in buildings and are responsible for implementing a ban on gas for heating in buildings and a ban on peatland conversion. The section also coordinates the department's work on climate knowledge, including the assessment of reports from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We collaborate with other ministries in several areas. Our responsibilities include work on CO₂ capture and storage in the Langskip and Northern Lights projects. We also follow up on the climate agreement with the agricultural sector, which aims to reduce emissions by five million tonnes by 2030. Furthermore, we work on measures and instruments to increase carbon sequestration and reduce emissions in the LULUCF sector. In the building sector, we participate in the climate partnership and the development of climate and energy requirements in the building code.