Meld. St. 37 (2012-2013)

Integrated Management of the Marine Environment of the North Sea and Skagerrak (Management Plan) — Meld. St. 37 (2012–2013) Report to the Storting (white paper)

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1 Scientific basis for the management plan

Key background reports for the management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak have been published at the following address: Forvaltningsplan-for-Nordsjoen-Skagerrak/Rapporter-fra-faggruppa/

Synthesis reports

Cumulative Environmental Effects. (Summary in English TA 2928/2012) Report from the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. TA-2907/2012

Conflicting interests and the need for coordination. (Summary in English TA 2929/2012) Report from the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. TA-2908/2012

Analysis of population, economic activity and ecosystem services. (Summary in English TA 2931/2012) Report from the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. TA-2910/2012

Proposed indicators for a monitoring programme. (Summary in English TA 2926/2012) Report from the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. TA-2906/2012

Priority knowledge needs. (Summary in English TA 2930/2012) Report from the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. TA-2909/2012

Vulnerability of particularly valuable areas. (Summary in English TA 2927/2012) Report from the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. TA-2858/2011

Sectoral studies

Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak: Sektorutredning for fiskeri og havbruk. (Integrated management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak: impacts of fisheries and agriculture) Directorate of Fisheries. TA-2831/2011.

Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak: Konsekvenser av fornybar energiproduksjon i Nordsjøen. (Integrated management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak: impacts of renewable energy production in the North Sea) Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate. TA-2829/2011.

Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak: Sektorutredning for klimaendringer, havforsuring og langtransportert forurensning. (Integrated management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak: impacts of climate change, ocean acidification and long-range transport of pollutants. Summary in English) Climate and Pollution Agency. TA-2833/2011.

Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak: Sektorutredning for land- og kystbasert aktivitet. (Integrated management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak: impacts of land-based and coastal activities. Summary in English) Climate and Pollution Agency. TA-2832/2011.

Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak: Sektorutredning for petroleumsvirksomhet. Integrated management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak: impacts of petroleum activities) Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. TA-2828/2011.

Konsekvenser av skipstrafikk i Nordsjøen og Skagerrak. (Impacts of maritime transport in the North Sea and Skagerrak) Norwegian Coastal Administration. TA-2830/2011.

Background documents

Tverrsektoriell vurdering av konsekvenser for sjøfugl. Grunnlagsrapport til en helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak. (Cross-sectoral assessment of impacts on seabirds. Background report for the integrated management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak) Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. TA-2839/2011.

Framtidsbilder for sektorene i 2030. (Scenarios for the different sectors in 2030) Report from the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. TA-2785/2011.

Faglig grunnlag for en forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak: Arealrapport. (Scientific basis for the management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak. The environment, natural resources and pollution) Report from the Expert Group for the North Sea and Skagerrak. Fisken og havet, no. 6, 2010.

Prognoser for skipstrafikk i Nordsjøen.(Projections for shipping in the North Sea) DNV for the Norwegian Coastal Administration, 2011. Reference number: 13NBY1D-2.

Statusbeskrivelse for Nordsjøen – utseilte distanser og driftsutslipp for skip. (North Sea status report – distances sailed and operational discharges from ships) DNV for the Norwegian Coastal Administration, 2011. Reference number: / 2011-0469.

Analyse av sannsynlighet for akutt forurensning fra skipstrafikk i forvaltningsplanområdet Nordsjøen. (Analysis of the probability of acute pollution from shipping in the NorthSea-Skagerrak management plan area) DNV for the Norwegian Coastal Administration, 2011. Reference number: 2011-1037/12NA8X8-3.

Miljørisiko ved akutt oljeforurensning fra skipstrafikken langs kysten av Fastlands-Norge for 2008 og prognoser for 2025.( Environmental risk associated with acute oil pollution from shipping along the coast of mainland Norway in 2008 and projections for 2025.) DNV for the Norwegian Coastal Administration, 2011. Report number: 2011-0850.

Tilførselsprogrammet 2010: Overvåking av forsuring av norske farvann med spesiell fokus på Nordsjøen. (Marine Pollution Monitoring Programme 2010: acidification in Norwegian waters, particularly the North Sea) Norwegian pollution monitoring programme. TA-2809/2011.

Tilførselsprogrammet 2010: Overvåking av tilførsler og miljøtilstand i Nordsjøen. (Marine Pollution Monitoring Programme 2010: North Sea: inputs and environmental status) Norwegian pollution monitoring programme. TA-2810/2011.

Kunnskap om marint søppel i Norge 2010. (Knowledge about marine litter in Norway in 2010) Climate and Pollution Agency and Directorate for Nature Management. TA-2753/2011.

Forslag til scenarioer relatert til akutt utslipp til sjø fra petroleumsvirksomhet i Nordsjøen og Skagerrak i perioden 2010 til 2030. (Proposed scenarios for modelling the consequences of spills from the petroleum industry in the North Sea and Skagerrak in the period 2010 to 2030) Proactima for the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway, 2011. Report number: PS-1070011-RE-06.

Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Nordsjøen og Skagerrak – Oljedrift. (Integrated management plan for the North Sea and Skagerrak – oil drift) DNV for the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, 2011. Report number: 2011-0217.

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