EEA and Norway Grants
These pages provide information on Norway's contribution to reducing social and economic disparities within the European Economic Area (EEA).
About the Grants
The EEA and Norway Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to reducing economic and social disparities and strengthening bilateral relations with 15 EU countries, primarily in Eastern and Central Europe. Norway provides over 95% of the funding.
EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021
The Government and the EU signed the agreements on Norway's new contributions to the least prosperous countries in the EEA in May 2016. The Ministry has launched a separate web page on the new financial contributions.
Get involved
Strengthening bilateral relations is a main objective of the Grants. Read more about how your organisation can benefit and get involved.
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Section for Central Europe and the EEA Norway Grants
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