Related information:
- Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (MLI)
- Guide for the mutual agreement procedure pursuant to tax
treaties (MAP) - Exchange of Information and other Agreements Regarding Muteral Administrative Assistance
- Treaty withholding tax rates on dividends from Norway
Code of symbols:
Status 0: | Treaties terminated. |
Status 1: | Treaties in force |
Status 2: | Treaties which are signed, but not yet ratified/in force |
Status 3: | Ongoing negotiations for a treaty/renegotiations (full or partial) of an existing treaty |
Country | Signed | Status | In force |
Albania Protocol |
14.10.98 | 1 3 |
13.08.99 |
Argentina MLI |
08.10.97 07.06.17 |
1 2 |
30.11.01 |
Azerbaijan | 24.04.96 | 1 | 20.09.96 |
Australia New treaty MLI |
06.05.82 08.08.06 07.06.17 |
0 c) 1 1 |
19.10.83 12.09.07 01.11.19 |
Austria Protocol Protocol Protocol |
28.11.95 14.11.05 16.09.09 |
1 1 1 3 |
01.12.96 01.12.06 01.06.13 |
Bangladesh | 15.09.04 | 1 | 22.12.05 |
Barbados Protocol |
15.11.90 03.11.11 |
0 g) 0 |
30.07.91 01.06.12 |
Belgium Protocol New treaty Protocol |
14.04.88 10.09.09 23.04.14 08.09.21 |
0 |
04.10.91 |
Benin | 29.05.79 | 1 | 24.06.82 |
13.11.89 10.09.09 |
1 1 |
17.12.90 01.09.11 |
Bosnia Hercegovina | 1 a) | ||
Brazil Protocol 1994 Protocol New treaty |
21.08.80 |
0 0 0 1 |
26.11.81 |
Bulgaria New treaty MLI |
01.03.88 22.07.14 07.06.17 |
0 1 1 |
01.04.89 30.07.15 01.01.23 |
Canada Protocol |
12.07.02 | 1 3 |
19.12.02 |
Chile MLI |
26.10.01 07.06.17 |
1 1 |
22.07.03 01.03.21 |
China MLI New treaty |
25.02.86 07.06.17 12.05.23 |
1 e) 1 2 |
21.12.86 01.09.22 |
Croatia | 1 a) | ||
Curacao Protocol |
13.11.89 10.09.09 |
0 g) 0 |
17.12.90 01.09.11 |
Cyprus New treaty MLI |
18.05.55 24.02.14 07.06.17 |
0 d) 1 1 |
11.05.55 08.07.14 01.05.20 |
Czech Republic MLI |
19.10.04 07.06.17 |
1 1 |
09.09.05 01.09.20 |
Denmark: Nordic countries | |||
Egypt | 20.10.64 | 1 | 30.07.65 |
Estonia MLI |
14.05.93 29.06.18 |
1 1 |
30.12.93 01.05.21 |
Faroe Islands: Nordic countries | |||
Finland: Nordic countries | |||
France (included protocol 1984) Protocol (French text) Protocol Protocol New treaty |
19.12.80 14.11.84 07.04.95 16.09.99 |
1 1 1 1 3 |
10.09.81 01.10.85 01.09.96 01.12.02 |
Gambia | 27.04.94 | 1 | 20.03.97 |
Georgia MLI |
10.11.11 07.06.17 |
1 1 |
23.07.12 01.11.19 |
Germany (German text) Protocol Protocol |
04.10.91 24.06.13 |
1 1 3 |
07.10.93 03.02.15 |
Ghana | 20.11.20 | 2 | |
Greece MLI |
27.04.88 07.06.17 |
1 c) 1 |
16.09.91 01.07.21 |
Greenland (Norwegian text only) Protocol |
04.08.05 | 1 3 |
21.12.05 |
Hong Kong | 3 | ||
Hungary | 21.10.80 | 1 c) | 20.09.81 |
Iceland: Nordic countries | |||
India New treaty MLI |
31.12.86 02.02.11 07.06.17 |
0 c) 1 1 |
02.07.87 20.12.11 01.11.19 |
Indonesia | 19.07.88 | 1 | 16.05.90 |
Ireland New treaty MLI |
22.11.00 07.06.17 |
0 1 1 |
28.11.01 01.11.19 |
Israel | 02.11.66 | 1 | 11.01.68 |
Italy | 17.06.85 | 1 | 25.05.87 |
Ivory Coast (French) | 15.02.78 | 1 | 25.01.80 |
Jamaica Protocol |
30.09.91 04.12.12 |
0 g) 0 |
01.10.92 12.09.13 |
Japan MLI |
04.03.92 07.06.17 |
1 1 |
16.11.92 01.11.19 |
Kazakhstan Protocol |
03.04.01 | 1 3 |
24.01.06 |
Kenya | 13.12.72 | 1 | 10.09.73 |
Latvia MLI |
19.07.93 07.06.17 |
1 1 |
30.12.93 01.02.20 |
Lithuania MLI |
27.04.93 07.06.17 |
1 1 |
30.12.93 01.11.19 |
Luxembourg (French) Protocol (French) MLI |
06.05.83 07.07.09 07.06.17 |
1 c) 1 1 |
27.01.85 12.04.10 01.11.19 |
Macedonia | 19.04.11 | 1 | 01.11.11 |
Malawi New treaty |
18.05.55 08.12.09 |
0 d) 1 |
16.12.63 10.12.12 |
Malaysia New treaty |
23.12.70 | 1 3 |
09.09.71 |
Malta New treaty MLI |
02.06.75 30.03.12 07.06.17 |
0 1 1 |
22.07.77 14.02.13 01.11.19 |
Mexico ( Spanish) MLI |
23.03.95 07.06.17 |
1 1 |
23.01.96 |
Montenegro | 1 a) | ||
Morocco ( French) | 05.05.72 | 1 | 18.12.75 |
Nepal | 13.05.96 | 1 | 19.06.97 |
Netherlands Protocol MLI |
12.01.90 23.04.13 07.06.17 |
1 c) 1 1 |
31.12.90 30.11.13 01.11.19 |
New Zealand |
20.04.82 | 1 c) |
31.03.83 |
Nordic countries (Norwegian) Protocol (Norwegian) Protocol (Norwegian) Protocol (Norwegian) |
23.09.96 06.10.97 |
1 |
11.05.97 31.12.97 |
Pakistan New treaty |
07.10.86 | 1 3 |
18.02.87 |
Philiippines Protocol |
09.07.87 22.05.89 |
1 1 |
23.10.97 23.10.97 |
Poland New treaty Protocol MLI |
24.05.77 09.09.09 05.07.12 07.06.17 |
0 c) 1 1 1 |
30.10.79 25.05.10 02.04.13 01.11.19 |
Portugal New treaty MLI |
24.06.70 10.03.11 07.06.17 |
0 1 1 |
01.10.71 15.06.12 01.06.20 |
Qatar Protocol |
29.06.09 04.09.24 |
1 2 |
30.12.09 |
Romania New treaty MLI |
14.11.80 27.04.15 07.06.17 |
0 c) 1 2 |
27.09.81 01.04.16 |
Russian Federation MLI |
26.03.96 07.06.17 |
1 1 |
20.12.02 01.11.19 |
Saba Protocol |
13.11.89 10.09.09 |
1 1 |
17.12.90 01.09.11 |
Senegal (French) | 04.07.94 | 1 | 28.02.97 |
Serbia New treaty MLI |
17.06.15 07.06.17 |
0 a) 1 1 |
18.12.15 01.11.19 |
Sierra Leone | 18.05.55 | 0 d) g) | 18.05.55 |
Singapore Protocol New treaty |
19.12.97 18.09.09 |
1 1 3 |
20.04.98 04.04.10 |
Slovak Republic | 27.06.79 | 1 b) c) | 28.12.79 |
Slovenia New treaty MLI |
18.02.08 07.06.17 |
0 a) 1 1 |
10.12.09 01.11.19 |
South Africa Protocol MLI |
12.02.96 16.07.12 07.06.17 |
1 1 1 |
12.09.96 20.11.15 01.01.23 |
South Korea New treaty |
05.10.82 | 1 3 |
01.03.84 |
Spain New treaty |
06.10.99 | 1 3 |
18.12.00 |
Sri Lanka | 04.12.86 | 1 | 08.03.88 |
St. Eustatius Protocol |
13.11.89 10.09.09 |
1 1 |
17.12.90 01.09.11 |
St. Maarten Protocol |
13.11.89 10.09.09 |
1 1 |
17.12.90 01.09.11 |
Sweden: Nordic countries | |||
Switzerland Protocol Protocol Protocol Protocol |
07.09.87 12.04.05 31.08.09 04.09.15 20.06.19 |
1 1 1 1 1 |
02.05.89 20.12.05 22.12.10 06.12.16 26.10.20 |
Tanzania | 28.04.76 | 1 c) | 04.08.78 |
Thailand New treaty |
30.07.03 | 1 3 |
29.12.03 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 29.10.69 | 0 g) | 07.08.70 |
Tunisia (French) | 31.05.78 | 1 | 28.12.79 |
Turkey New treaty MLI |
16.12.71 15.01.10 07.06.17 |
0 1 2 |
30.01.76 15.06.11 |
Uganda | 07.09.99 | 1 | 16.05.01 |
Ukraine | 07.03.96 | 1 | 18.09.96 |
United Kingdom New treaty MLI |
12.10.00 14.03.13 07.06.17 |
0 1 f) 1 |
21.12.00 17.12.13 01.11.19 |
USA Protocol New treaty Exchange of Information |
03.12.71 19.09.80 15.04.13 |
1 1 3 1 |
19.11.72 15.12.81 27.01.14 |
Venezuela | 29.10.97 | 1 | 08.10.98 |
Vietnam | 01.06.95 | 1 | 14.04.96 |
Zambia New treaty |
14.07.71 17.12.15 |
0 1 |
22.03.73 09.08.17 |
Zimbabwe | 09.03.89 | 1 | 28.08.91 |
a) The tax treaty between Norway and Yugoslavia of 1 September 1983 is suspended. By the exchange of notes the treaty has been given effect for Croatia as from 6 March 1996. By the exchange of notes 6 March 1997, the treaty was given effect for Slovenia as from the date of independence of the Republic of Slovenia (until January 1 2009). By the exchange of notes 20 August 2008, the treaty has been given effect for Bosnia Herzegovina as from the fiscal year 2009. By the exchange of notes 29 May 2003, the treaty was given effect for the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro as from the date of the exchange of notes (until January 1 2010). By the exchange of notes 31 October 2011 it has been clarified that the treaty shall apply to the Republic of Montenegro as from the date of Montenegro’s independence on 3 June 2006.
b) The tax treaty between Norway and Czechoslovakia of 27 June 1979 will temporarily apply for the Slovak Republic.
c) The protocols of these treaties provide an option for Norway, by means of the exchange of diplomatic notes, to replace the exemption-method with the credit-method as the general method for the avoidance of double taxation. In 1998 diplomatic notes were sent to Australia, Greece, Hungary, India, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Tanzania.
d) The tax treaty between Norway and the United Kingdom signed 2 May 1951 was by the exchange of diplomatic notes 18 May 1955 extended as to include several British colonies which later became independent states.
e) The tax treaty between Norway and China does not apply for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.
f) The tax treaty between Norway and the United Kingdom does not apply for British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies.
g) The tax treaties with Sierra Leone, Barbados, Curacao, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago was decided terminated by Royal Decree dated 9 June 2023. Diplomatic notes have been sent and the terminations have effect from 1 January 2024.
Agreements with limited scope
Country | Status | Signed | Scope |
Argentina | 0* | 09.11.48 | S & A |
Greece | 1 | 15.08.31 | S |
Greece | 1 | 25.05.55 | A |
Hong Kong, China | 1 | 02.06.00 In force 01.01.97 |
A |
Hong Kong, China | 1 | 16.10.03 In force 01.01.05 |
S |
Iran | 1 | 21.11.69 | A |
Yugoslavia | 1 | 20.06.66 | S & A |
China | 1 | 02.08.74 | S |
Kuwait | 1 | 27.02.77 | A |
Lebanon | 1 | 10.12.68 | S & A |
New Zealand | 1 | 08.08.68 | S |
Saudi Arabia | 3 | A | |
Soviet Union | 1 | 11.02.71 | A |
Soviet Union | 1 | 18.03.74 | S |
South Africa | 1 | 19.06.51 | S & A |
South Korea | 1 | 02.02.73 | S & A |
Czechoslovakia | 1 | 25.10.62 | A |
Ukraine | 3 | A | |
Uruguay | 1 | 18.12.81 | A |
Uzbekistan | 3 | A |
* Suspended in accordance with article 30.3 in the dobbel tax treaty between Norway and Argentina.
Country | Status | Signed | Terminated |
Nordic countries | 1 | 12.09.89 | 22.08.14 |
Switzerland | 1 | 07.12.56 | 01.01.15 |
United States | 1 | 13.06.49 | 01.01.15 |
Country | Signed | Status | In force |
Bermuda | 16.04.09 | 1 | 22.01.10 |
British Virgin Islands | 18.05.09 | 1 | 03.12.10 |
Cayman Islands | 01.04.09 | 1 | 04.03.10 |
Guernsey | 28.10.08 | 1 | 07.10.09 |
Isle of Man | 30.10.07 | 1 | 06.09.08 |
Jersey | 28.10.08 | 1 | 07.10.09 |
Country | Status | Signed |
Finland (convention on taxation of the construction of cross-border bridges) |
1 | 19.05.93 |