Department for Security Policy and the High North
Norwegian security policy interests, both bilateral and in international organisations such as Nato and the OSCE. Norwegian interests in the High North and the Arctic/Antarctic, and Norwegian resource policy interests. Bilateral relations with the US, Canada, Russia and other countries in Eurasia, and participation regional cooperation organisations such as the Arctic Council, the Barents Council and the Council of Europe. Norwegian interests in areas such as global security issues, the fight against international terrorism, peace operations and international crisis management. Arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation efforts, and export control of defence materiel and other sensitive goods and services.
The department consists of the following sections
Section for Security Policy and North America
Norwegian security policy and civilian and military crisis management, including Nato cooperation and Norway’s participation in Isaf and in UN peace operations, security policy cooperation with the EU (CSDP), police and other civilian efforts in international operations, civilian capacity-building, Nordic security policy, the Asia in Norwegian security policy project, transatlantic ties and our bilateral relations with the US and Canada.
Section for the High North, Polar Affairs and Marine Resources
Ongoing implementation of the Government’s High North policy, including implementation of the High North Strategy and New Building Blocks in the North, work on polar affairs, including issues relating to Svalbard and cooperation in the Arctic (the Arctic Council), the Antarctica, international cooperation on the management of living marine resources, and energy issues in a security and foreign policy context.
Section for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Regional Organisations
Norway’s bilateral relations with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. This includes analytical, political and practical work as well as grant management and project cooperation. The section is also responsible for Norway’s participation in the OSCE and the Council of Europe as well as for the Government’s Nuclear Action Plan, which particularly covers cooperation with Russia and Ukraine.
Section for Global Security and Disarmament
Prevention of international terrorism. Coordination of cyber policies, maritime safety, including prevention of international piracy, work to combat organised crime. Multilateral processes and regimes in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT), chemical and biological weapons. Norway’s activities relating to the UN First Committee. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA. Regional proliferation issues. Global security challenges project.
Section for Export Control
Implementation of export control of strategic products, services and technology, including military equipment and components and dual-use items (civilian products with military applications). Licensing authority for the export of certain types of products, technology and services. Safeguards Norwegian interests in the four multilateral export control regimes: the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), and the Australia Group (AG), which deal with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and launchers for these weapons, and the Wassenaar Arrangement, which covers conventional weapons, military goods and relevant technology. Responsibility for enforcing sanctions and restrictive measures.