Opening of Areas for Mineral Activities on Parts of the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Article | Last updated: 09/01/2024 | Ministry of Energy
In 2020, a process was initiated to open parts of the Norwegian continental shelf for mineral activities under the Seabed Minerals Act. Based on the impact assessment, consultation inputs, and the resource assessment from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, the government presented a white paper in 2023 on the opening of an area on the Norwegian continental shelf for mineral activities, and a strategy for the management of seabed mineral resources. This page provides an overview of relevant documents in the case.

Mineral Activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Opening of Areas and Resource Management Strategy, Report to the Storting (government white paper) Parliamentary Report No. 25 (2022-2023) Link to the document (Norwegian version).
Impact Assessment for Mineral Activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf: This assessment was conducted based on a set program. As part of the impact assessment process, government agencies and leading academic institutions prepared baseline studies and impact studies, summarized in this report. Link to the document (Norwegian version).
Resource Assessment of Seabed Minerals: At the request of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate prepared a resource assessment of the seabed minerals in the assessment area. The report concluded that significant resources are expected to be present. Link to the document (Norwegian version).
Baseline Studies
As part of the opening process, government agencies and academic environments prepared foundational reports and impact studies to compile available knowledge on natural resources, the environment, and economic activities in the assessment area, and their potential impacts.
- Fishery Activities in the Assessment Area, Directorate of Fisheries: Describes fishery activities and economic value based on catch statistics. Link to the report (Norwegian version)
- Report Annex on Fishery Activities in the Assessment Area, Directorate of Fisheries: Details activities of foreign vessels in international waters in the area from 2013-2019. Link to the annex (Norwegian version)
- Ship Traffic in the Assessment Area, Norwegian Coastal Administration: Describes ship traffic. Link to the report (Norwegian version)
- Landscape Features, Nature Types, and Benthic Ecosystems, Centre for Deep Sea Research, University of Bergen: Summarizes information on landscape features, nature types, and benthic ecosystems. Link to the report (Norwegian version)
- Pelagic Ecosystems in the Nordic Seas, Institute of Marine Research: Compiles existing knowledge on the structure and function of pelagic ecosystems. Link to the report (Norwegian version)
- Seabirds in the Ocean Areas around Jan Mayen and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Norwegian Polar Institute: Compiles existing knowledge on seabirds. Link to the report (Norwegian version)
- Technology Report, DNV: Describes exploration and extraction solutions for seabed minerals, prepared by DNV in collaboration with NTNU and international experts. Link to the report (Norwegian version)
- Impacts on Nature Conditions, Environment, and Other Economic Activities, Akvaplan-niva and IKM Acona: Describes impacts of opening Norwegian sea areas for exploration and extraction of sulphides and manganese crusts. Link to the report (Norwegian version)
- Economic and Social Impacts, Asplan Viak, Department of Geosciences and Petroleum (IGP) at NTNU, and NTNU Social Research: Addresses potential economic and social impacts of possible mineral activities. Link to the report (Norwegian version)
- Future Opportunities in Marine Minerals on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, EY: Looks at impacts and value creation opportunities from extracting marine minerals in Norwegian waters. Link to the report (Norwegian version).
Program for Impact Assessment for Mineral Activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf:
The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has established an impact assessment program for Mineral Activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The program consists of the proposed impact assessment program, and the ministry’s assessment of the responses from the public consultation process, based on the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate's expert review.