Historisk arkiv


Policies and investments for a climate smart Barents Region

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Klima- og miljødepartementet

Hvordan kan Barentsregionen omstille seg til et lavutslippssamfunn i tråd med klimamålene? Hvilke investeringer må gjøres i infrastruktur for energi, transport og industri? Kan dette gjøres uten tap av natur og tradisjonell arealbruk?

Webinaret arrangeres av KLD som del av det norske formannskapet i Barentsrådet 2019-2021 i samarbeid med UD, region Västerbotten og Cicero.

Når: 27. April 2021, 1000 -1500

Formålet med webinaret er å formidle og dele kunnskap, og stimulere til dialog mellom sentrale og regionale myndigheter, næringsaktører, sivilsamfunn, urfolk og forskere i Barentsregionen om hvordan å gjøre de rette investeringene i klimavennlig infrastruktur. Samtidig er det potensielle konflikter mellom å utvikle en slik infrastruktur og målsetningene om å stanse tap av natur og å bevare tradisjonell arealbruk. Et viktig tema er hvordan disse konfliktene kan minimeres.

Meld deg på seminaret her.


10:00 – 10:40

Session 1: A vision for a climate smart Barents region in 2050 – where should we go, and how do we get there?

Opening addresses by

  • Ine Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
  • Sveinung Rotevatn, Minister of Climate and Environment, Norway
  • Helene Hellmark Knutsson, Landshövding of Västerbotten County, Sweden
  • Representative from Sàmi Parliamentry Council (tbc) 

A decisive transition for climate and growth – policies for scaling up clean, climate resilient infrastructure.

Anthony Cox, Deputy Director, Environment Directorate, OECD

How can we solve the climate and biodiversity crisis at the same time?

Annika E. Nilsson, Researcher, Luleå University of Technology and Senior Researcher, Nordland Research Institute


10:40 – 11:50

Session 2: Climate smart infrastructure for transport, energy, and industry

Moderator:  Kristin Halvorsen, Director, CICERO Center for International Climate Research

The European Green Deal and EUs recovery plan – what does it mean for the Barents region?

Dr. Johanna Kentala-Lehtonen, Senior Specialist for EU Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office, Finland

Consistency with climate goals – implications for infrastructure development in the Barents region. The Barents 2050 study

Tomi J. Lindroos, Research Scientist, VTT

Climate smart solutions for energy, industry and transport – a Northern perspective.

Kyrre Sundseth, Research Manager, SINTEF


Panel debate


Paal Iversen, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Ministry of Transport, and chair of the Steering Committee for the Barents Euro-Arctic TRansport Area (BEATA)

Industry – a roadmap to a low-emission transition in the north

Michael Yulkin, Founder and CEO, CarbonLab Ilc

Forests and forestry – carbon sink or fossil fuel substitution?

Dr. Raisa Mäkipää, Natural Resource Institute


Alexey Kokorin, Head, Climate and Energy Program, WWF Russia

Research perspective

Kyrre Sundseth, Research Manager, SINTEF


11:50 – 12:30 Lunch break


12:30 – 13:40

Session 3: Minimizing impacts on nature and traditional land-use – Policies and tradeoffs.

Moderator: Berit Kristoffersen, Associate Professor, University of Tromsø

Combined effects on biodiversity and traditional land use from climate change and infrastructure development – projections for the Barents region.

Wilbert Van Roij, Director, Plansup

Impacts of infrastructure development and other land use change on reindeer herding.

Representative from Sámediggi, (TBC)

How are cumulative impacts from infrastructure developments integrated into spatial planning today?

Gro Sandkjær Hansen, Senior Researcher, NIBR Oslo Met


Panel debate

Challenges for industry and examples of coexistence and conflicts of interest.

Pontus Grahn, Project Development Manager, Vattenfall

Nature considerations in windpower development.

Cathrine Henaug, Research Director, NINA

How could a climate smart forestry minimize impacts on biodiversity? Win-win or tradeoffs?

Hillevi Eriksson, Climate Specialist, Skogstyrelsen

Perspective of regional or municipal authorities

Leena Vuotovesi, CEO, Greenpolis

Perspective from indigenous community

Representative from Sámediggi, (TBC)

13:40 – 13:50 Break 

13:50 – 14:30

Session 4: Summing-up of key take-home messages for the Barents region   

  • Regional Authorities (TBC)
  • Industry or WG economics cooperation (TBC)
  • Working Group of Indigenous Peoples - Beac, Piera Heika Moutka
  • Barents Region Youth Council, TBC
  • Barents WGE, Henna Haapala, Chair
Foto: Dimitry Belenikhin