Historisk arkiv

Call for proposals: Development and Disarmament 2015

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Section for Legal and Financial Matters hereby announces funds for projects for development and disarmament for 2015.

The overriding objective of the grant scheme is to strengthen capacity in developing countries   to implement international obligations in the field of disarmament and the non-proliferation regime, and to strengthen International organisations’ efforts in this regard. Grants awarded under this scheme are to comply with the OECD/DAC criteria for ODA.  

Subsidiary objectives are:

  • to contribute to strengthen implementation of international frameworks for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
  • to support efforts to build capacity and knowledge of humanitarian and developmental perspectives on disarmament.
  • to strengthen the capacity of developing countries to participate   in the international non-proliferation regime.
  • to promote the non-proliferation regime as a contribution towards development and humanitarian protection by strengthening the capacity of the relevant international organisations, and support non-commercial organisations´ efforts towards multilateral verification of disarmament.

Note: Please read this call for proposals and the guidelines for the grant scheme carefully before submitting an application. All applications must be in line with the grant scheme objectives, the guidelines published here and the priorities described.  

Application requirements

  • Applications for smaller projects are requested to use application form S02 (Norwegian) or S52 (English). For larger and more complex projects it is requested to use application form S01 (Norwegian) or S01 EN (English). “Guide to filling in S51 Application form (pdf)” can also be used for  S01 EN (English). Application forms are published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where the guidelines on how to fill out the forms can be found here.
  • Only one application will be accepted from each potential grant recipient. Note, however, that several activities may be included in each project and included in the same application.
  • If the project is initiated by a local group or a branch of an organization, the main office of that organization should be specified as the sender.
  • Applications must have clearly defined objectives which facilitates good reporting on results and comprehensive risk assessments. The project’s relevance to the main objective(s) of the grant scheme must be well documented. Clear goals with indicators must be developed at activity level. The sum of the activities’ effect on beneficiaries must give an indication of results achieved at society level. A full, detailed budget and financing plan, including an overview of funding from other sources, must be submitted.
  • Applicants should seek to limit administrative costs. Priority will be given to projects where the applicants contribute financially or in kind.
  • Grants awarded under this scheme are to comply with the OECD/DAC criteria for ODA.
  • Applications from commercial enterprises or political parties will not be considered (though, a political party can take part in activities organized by a grant recipient). 

Within available funds the following will be given priority:

  • Larger initiatives that contribute to strengthening global efforts on development and disarmament, including initiatives that are implemented in cooperation with other organizations.
  • Initiatives that facilitate increased coordination in efforts to strengthen capacity in developing countries.  

Deadline: 15 August 2015.  

Applications, using the Ministry’s application form, must be sent electronically to post@mfa.no with a copy to Seksjon.for.juridiske.okonomiske.og.forvaltningssporsmal@mfa.no.

Please state clearly that the application is for the grant scheme 164.72 Development and disarmament.  

If you have any other questions, please contact:

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Section for Legal and Financial Matters,
PO Box 8114, Dep.,
N-0032 Oslo
Email: Seksjon.for.juridiske.okonomiske.og.forvaltningssporsmal@mfa.no