Gratulasjonsbrev til statsministeren i Polen

Statsminister Erna Solbergs gratulasjonsbrev til Polens statsminister Mateusz Jakub Morawiecki, som ble gjenvalgt 13. oktober 2019.

Dear Mr Morawiecki

I am writing to convey my warmest congratulations on your reelection as Prime Minister of Poland.

Norway and Poland enjoy excellent bilateral relations, and this year we are celebrating 100 years of bilateral cooperation. Our long and close partnership and fruitful cooperation cover a wide range of issues. We have strong trade ties and are among each other’s most important trade partners. The 100 000 Poles living in Norway are the largest immigrant group in the country and make an important contribution to Norwegian society.

We also cooperate closely under the EEA Agreement and in NATO, the UN and other multilateral organisations. I would particularly like to highlight our cooperation within the framework of the EEA and Norway Grants, where Poland is our most important partner.

Lastly, I would like to thank you for sending me Roger Moorhouse’s book First to Fight , which I look forward to reading. I hope to have an opportunity to meet you soon and look forward to continuing our cooperation in areas of common interest.

I wish you every success with the important tasks that lie ahead.


Yours sincerely

Erna Solberg