Historisk arkiv

No results in negotiations on Norwegian spring sprawning herring and blue whiting

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

The Parties will meet again 19 January.

I regret that we were not able to reach agreements on the management and allocation of Norwegian spring spawning herring and Blue whiting with the other coastal states, says Minister of Fisheries Elisabeth Aspaker. The negotiations between Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and the EU, and also Russia  when it comes to herring, has  been conducted this week in London.

Norway was prepared to make agreements for 2015 similar to the same agreements as for 2014, but it was not possible to achieve agreement by all other Parties on this. I regret this strongly, as it was my impression that the other Parties also wanted to have agreements in place by the end of this year, Minister Aspaker says.

The Parties will meet again 19 January. Norwegian quotas for both species will be decided upon now.