Kondolansebrev etter angrepet i Christchurch

Kondolansebrev fra statsminister Erna Solberg til New Zealands statsminister Jacinda Ardern etter angrepet i Christchurch, 15. mars 2019.

Dear Prime Minister,

I would like to extend my sincere condolences to you and the people of New Zealand.

Our thoughts and heartfelt sympathies are with the families and friends of all those killed, and with all those injured or otherwise affected by the horrific attacks carried out in Christchurch today.

The attacks are a powerful reminder of the importance of the international work against all forms of violent extremism. We strongly condemn these brutal attacks on democracy and human rights, and we stand in solidarity with New Zealand.


Yours sincerely,
Erna Solberg


HE MS Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister of New Zealand