Historisk arkiv

Nett-tv: Universal Design and New Technology

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet

Her kan du følge den nordiske konferansen Universal Design and New Technology tirsdag 20. juni fra kl 09.00-17.00.

Nett-tv Universal Design and New Technology

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Program outline

MC: Torgeir Waterhouse from IKT-Norge

From 12.30 til 15.15 you can choose between attending the main conference «How to Succeed with Universal Design» and the side event «Nordic Toolbox for Welfare Technology» (see sidebar)

Our speakers

09.00 – 11.30 Opening plenary  

Opening comments 
Kai-Morten Terning, Ministry of Children and Equality

WHOs work in assistive technology
Chapal Khasnabis, World Health Organization (WHO)

European work on accessibility
Cato Lie, European Disability Forum (EDF)

Short break

Launching a Nordic statement on Universal Design and New Technology
Åse Kari Haugeto, Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs 

Nordic Welfare Centre as an important piece of Nordic co-operation
Maria Montefusco & Dennis Søndergård, Nordic Welfare Centre (NVC)

What is universally designed technology really about?  
Torgeir Waterhouse, IKT-Norge

11.30 – 12.30 Lunch buffet

12.30 – 15.30 How to succeed with universal design

Inclusive design
Stefan Johansson, Peder Johansson, Frida Lundin og Michael Wallon (Begripsam AB)

AV1  - we bring people together             
Simon Oliver Ommundsen, No2 Isolation

Aifloo – the world’s first self-learning e-health system
Michael Collaros,  Aifloo AB

Coffee break

14.15 -15.15 Networking dialogue

Meet the experts (Flagstadsalen):

  • Onny Eikhaug, Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture (DogA)
  • Simon Oliver Ommundsen, No Isolation
  • Michael Collaros,  Aifloo AB
  • Daniel Scheidegger, The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)

Workshop (La Traviata):
Nordic collaboration on universal design and everyday technology in the light of the welfare challenges shared by the Nordic countries

 15.30 – 17.00 Closing plenary

Ethical and security concerns in welfare technology
Mads Schaarup Andersen, Alexandra instituttet AS

Autism, technology and independent living     
Jamie Knight, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

How to work and think like a designer of tomorrows solutions? 
Rama Gheeravo, Helen Hamlin Centre for Design

17.00 – 19.00 Networking reception


For questions and inquiries, please contact  deltasenteret@bufdir.no