Historisk arkiv

Arctic seed depository for world food security

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Landbruks- og matdepartementet

The Norwegian Government is currently working on plans to establish a global safety depository in Svalbard. The seed depository will be the only one of its kind in the world. The objective is to protect valuable food resources against plant diseases and the effects of climate change, wars and natural disasters.

Arctic seed depository for world food security

The Norwegian Government is currently working on plans to establish a global safety depository in Svalbard. The seed depository will be the only one of its kind in the world. The objective is to protect valuable food resources against plant diseases and the effects of climate change, wars and natural disasters.

The seed depository will store seeds of crop plants that are important for food security. Svalbard is an ideal location for this purpose. Owing to the permafrost, the seeds will retain their ability to germinate for a long time, even if electricity supplies fail. The depository will store genetic copies of seeds that are already being stored in gene depositories elsewhere in the world, thus providing an additional safety net for the world’s food supply.

Seeds contain the genetic blueprints that determine plant characteristics. Wide genetic variation makes it possible to grow crops under different climatic conditions and to provide a broad selection of foods all over the world. Biological diversity provides an insurance against climate change, plant diseases and pests.

The Svalbard Arctic seed depository initiative has been well received in the international community. The ownership and distribution of the gains from genetic plant material have long been a sensitive issue. However international agreements have been signed that will ensure the legal framework for operating the Arctic seed depository.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food will co-operate on the establishment of the depository. Nordic genebank will operate the facility once it is built. The Directorate of Public Construction and Property will be responsible for the building process. The facilities in Svalbard are scheduled to be opened in 2007.

Contact in MAF: Senior Adviser Grethe Evjen, ph: + 47 93 28 79 53.