Housing for welfare - National strategy for housing and support services (2014-2020)
Artikkel | Sist oppdatert: 12.12.2014 | Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet
Dette er en engelsk oversettelse av den boligsosiale strategien "Bolig for velferd". Strategien samler og målretter den offentlige innsatsen overfor vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet. Det boligsosiale arbeidet handler om å skaffe boliger til vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet og å styrke den enkeltes mulighet til å mestre sitt boforhold.
The strategy is a cooperation between five ministries and a series of directorates, that outlines the goals of the shared work to help disadvantaged citizens in the housing market. The starting point is that everyone should live safely and well. The strategy describes national goals and prioritised focus areas, and the responsibilites and tasks in the housing and support services. Additionally it provides an overview of central government grants and lending schemes.
A printed version will be available shortly.
Housing for welfare - National strategy for housing and support services (2014-2020)