NOU 1996: 24

Betalingssystemer m.v.— Utredning nr. 3 fra Banklovkommisjonen

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1 Forkortelser

BALTUS = Bankenes on-Line TransaksjonsUtvekslingsSystem

BIS = Bank for International Settlements

BSK = Bankenes Standardiseringskontor

BBS = Bankenes Betalingssentral A/S

BUS = Bankenes Utredningsselskap A/S

CHAPS = Clearing House Automated Payment System (Eng.)

CHIPS = Clearing House Interbank Payment System (USA)

DVP = Delivery Versus Payment

ECB = European Central Bank

ECHO = Exchange Clearing House Ltd.

EDI = Electronic Data Interchange

EFTPOS = Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale

EMI = European Monetary Institute

ESCB = European System of Central Banks

IFTS = Interbank Funds Transfer System

NBO = Norges Banks Oppgjørssystem

NICS = Norwegian Interbank Clearing System

NOS = Norsk Opsjonssentral A/S

OCR = Optical Character Recognition

OTC-derivater = Over The Counter-derivater

PIN = Personal Identification Number

RTGS = Real Time Gross Settlement

TARGET = Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer

S.W.I.F.T. = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication

UCC = Uniform Commercial Code

UNCITRAL = United Nation Commission on International Trade Law

VPS = Verdipapirsentralen

ØMU = Den økonomiske og monetære union.

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